A quick and dirty guide on how to migrate VMware VMs to Proxmox Virtual Environment. Tested in the 5.0 Beta.
- Remove VMware Tools from the VM you wish to migrate
- Download and Run the MergeIDE registry edit to make the system bootable by IDE
- Shut down the VM in VMWare
- Convert the VMDK Files to a single grow-able file utilizing vmware-vdiskmanager (may be a separate download)
- Windows Command
C:/location/of/vmware/vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -r tobeconverted.vmdk -t 0 converted-pve.vmdk
- Allow conversion to take place
- Alter your local storage on Proxmox node to allow Disk Images
Datacenter > Storage > Local
- Create a KVM VM using the Proxmox web gui, with the hard disk (type VMware) stored on local (not local-lvm)
- Do not start the VM
- Take note of the VM ID (i.e. 109)
- SCP into the Proxmox node, navigate to “/var/lib/vz/images/VMID”
- Delete the disk associated with the VM (i.e. vm-109-disk1)
- Upload the converted VMDK, after renaming it appropriately
- Go into the Proxmox web gui and select “Move Disk”, select “local-lvm” as the target
- Delete the source, if you want
- Allow disk to be moved, which may take a few minutes
- Start the VM in Proxmox, check progress on the console.
Note: While Proxmox can use VMWare VMs, they are not the most performative format. If you want to go one step further (at the cost of a little backwards compatibility), simply convert the disk images from VMWare with the built in qemu-img utility.
qemu-img convert -f vmdk -O qcow2 winServer.vmdk winServer.qcow2
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